
Bryan Patrick Curry

DigiWorld Magazine Creative Director

There’s nothing like the music business. I mean music an it’s cultures are the heartbeat of the world broadcasting 24/7 through every type of media outlet you can imagine. The best part about it, because of the many genres available, everyone can find that feel good sound or get that good vibe in many ways, from different artists, styles, platforms, social movements and sub-cultures via one of the most expressive forms of communication... MUSIC! DigiWorld Magazine is looking to establish a music publication that promotes new music and gives new artists of all genres an opportunity to be published in a digital and print magazine an offer services to help promote artists brands, music releases and digital content. Through amazing photography, creative design, and innovative promotional media we plan to equip artists with marketing tools and great visuals to enhance promotion and strengthen brand identity.

DigiWorld Magazine by Bizvuu

> Promotional Advertisment Publication

DWMAG is a component of DigiBoogie's artists & music promotions platform. It's a digital and physical print publication offering advertising opportunities for artists through Q&A articles, bio write-ups, video interviews, print marketing materials with scan code integration, press kit style websites and photography services. For labels, DJs, promoters, studios, producers, music biz professionals, etc, we offer full page advertising. Our hope is to build an outlet for New Artists to brand, market and promote New Music.

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DWMAG Breakdown:

• Our focus is New Artists. New Music. Our goal is build artists brands through web/photography services and promote those artists brands and their content via our Artists Promotions Catalog (DigiBoogie), Music Preview website (iBoogie) and DWMAG.

• The magazine is a 56+ page digital/print promotional publication. *22 articles, 16+ ads and *3 video spots are available.

• Contains 1 and 2 page spreads of Q&A articles, Artists Promotional Write-ups or Q&As, Video interview pages and Full Page Ads.

• Our primary location for circulation is Atlanta, GA/Metro Atlanta and select cities in Southeast Region. Other markets we will be circulating hard copy magazines and ScanMag™ in the DMV, Houston/Dallas and parts of the Bay Area.

• No less than 10,000 hard copy and 10,000 ScanMag™ print runs every time we do an issue.

*Number of ads, feature articles and video/music spots vary per issue.